You are a senior military officer of Cinethra, an impoverished kingdom being attacked by a much larger and richer neighbor. You must decide how far you are willing to go to save your kingdom, or whether to save it at all.

Not to spoil too much of the game, but there are 3 story branches where you turn traitor, 2 story branches where you continue fighting for Cinethra, and one story branch where you become a monk. And it is possible to make either Cinethra or Japreth win the war, so your decisions actually do matter beyond just whether or not you survive. Includes 50,000 words and five songs. Please do not run on Internet Explorer.


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(2 edits)

I wish I was this good with Twine. I don't even know how you added that sidebar thing. Kudos to you, mate.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. That sidebar actually came in by default (this was made with Sugarcane, an old Twine 1 format that isn't used much at this point). Other than my questionable decision to add in music, the code mostly consists of simple if statements, links and random number generators.


I think about this game all the time. Great game


I can't find a way to raid the second meeting (the one after Sathra dies) without dying :/ I believe that winning this battle will be the only way to save Cinethra. Any tips?

(2 edits)

That portion of the game relies heavily on surprising the enemy, so if you try to do the same thing a couple times in a row, it will fail. It tracks both the last move you made in general, and the last way you moved against the city (including the one in which Sathra died). It also relies a bit on chance, and if you did not destroy a certain dam earlier in the game, you will be in trouble regardless (the game is a bit evil, especially on the main paths).

You'll want to do an assassination or light some barracks on fire to get them to expect something else before doing the raid. You'll also need more than 60 soldiers left to have a chance at such a raid (and it does come down to chance).

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit) (+2)

Update: Yes! I got it!


Please no music, or at least give an option to turn it off.